

『バチェラー・イン・パラダイス』で生まれた同性カップルが破局 米国


『バチェラー・イン・パラダイス』最終回で女性と女性が婚約 - 石壁に百合の花咲く」の続報。別れたそうです、このカップル。



このカップル、デミ・バーネット(Demi Burnett)さんとクリスチャン・ハガティー(Kristian Haggerty)さんは、米ABCの婚活リアリティ番組『バチェラー(The Bachelor)』シリーズの『Bachelor in Paradise(原題)』S6最終回で婚約したカップル。この婚約が報じられたのは9月ですが、10月31日にはバーネットさんがInstagramで以下のようなコメントを発表しています。


What has always been at the forefront of our relationship is love and care for one another. Our priority is doing what is best for us. With a heavy heart full of love for one another we have decided it is best for us to take a step back from our relationship. We ultimately want what is best for us in the long run and for us right now, that means being apart and growing individually. We have felt so much love and support from you all as you’ve followed our journey together and for that we are grateful. We will forever be proud of the impact our love story has made and we hope it has helped others feel more accepted and confident within themselves. We hope it reminded others they aren’t alone and don’t need to be ashamed of who they are. And we hope it shows that two people can love one another in different ways and for us right now that is apart. But we remain committed to encouraging each other, supporting each other and continuing forward in a way best for us.

Demi Burnett(@demi_not_lovato)がシェアした投稿 -



we have decided it is best for us to take a step back from our relationship. We ultimately want what is best for us in the long run and for us right now, that means being apart and growing individually.
