



理想の独身男性のハートを射止めるべく25人の女性参加者が競うリアリティ番組『ザ・バチェラー(The Bachelor)』のオーストラリア版で、コンテスタントの女性同士が恋に落ち、カップルとなるという予想外の展開が発生したそうです。


Two Contestants on Australia’s The Bachelor Have Fallen in Love With Each Other | TIME


そのオーストラリアで2016年に放映されているシーズン4で、独身男性リッチー・ストラハン(Richie Strahan)さんの妻の座を狙って参加していたはずのメーガン・マークス(Megan Marx)さんとティファニー・スキャンロン(Tiffany Scanlon)さんというふたりの女性が、はからずも互いに恋に落ちてしまったのだそうです。メーガンさんは、Instagramで以下のような写真とコメントを発表しています。

I met Tiffany in a very strange situation. Well... we were kind of dating the same guy. And it was filmed and put on TV 😂. From that first cocktail party, it was like this instant calibration between souls, as if we had known each other once before. Friendship ripened into something bolder, trust in a very strange situation was formed, and now every adventure we have rivals the other- and continues to make plans for itself. Yesterday I flew this beautiful woman to The Abrolhos islands for her 30th birthday! I have to admit that I felt so so proud to be with her, my favourite person, celebrating such a momentous occasion on the water- a mutual love of ours. She is so confident in the ocean and in every adventure, as if every new experience is a winning of the lottery somehow; a chance to grow and learn and develop. To Tiffany, experience wins over the worldly acquisition of 'things' every time- and I think this is why she is so open-minded, so accepting of others, so fun and so at ease with letting winds blow her towards a variety of opportunities. She's helped me to disintegrate many of the ideals I've had that were harmful (about relationships, about career and 'stability') and for that I feel set free. Thank you for always asking questions (detective Tiff), for being curious about people, ideologies and the universe; for loving people with such a wholesome love that I don't know if I would ever be able to emulate. It inspires me. Happy Birthday Tiffany. I love you.

Megan Marx 🌷さん(@megan.leto.marx)が投稿した写真 -



I met Tiffany in a very strange situation. Well... we were kind of dating the same guy. And it was filmed and put on TV 😂. From that first cocktail party, it was like this instant calibration between souls, as if we had known each other once before. Friendship ripened into something bolder


I have to admit that I felt so so proud to be with her, my favourite person, celebrating such a momentous occasion on the water- a mutual love of ours.


Happy Birthday Tiffany. I love you.

ほほえましく、かつ可愛らしい話だと感じるのは、あたしがレズビアンだから? でもこういうことっていつでもどこでも起こり得ると思いますし、巷のバチェラー諸氏にはこれに気を落とさずせいぜい頑張ってほしいものです。ごくごく一部に観察される、「すべての女性は男性(≒俺様)の気を引きたがっているはず、男性(≒俺様)に愛されなければ困るはず」という謎の信念をお持ちのヘテロ男性の皆さまには、おそらく理解も納得もしがたい出来事なのだろうとは思いますけどね。