Singapore's Pink Dot LGBT rally draws record numbers despite religious opposition | Gay Star News
PINK DOT 2014: Watch this space! - YouTube
ピンクドットSGは今年で開催6年目。今年は宗教方面からの反発が強く、イスラム教徒とキリスト教徒の両方が、ピンクドットに反対する「白い服を着よう」("Wear White")キャンペーンに参加したりしています。ピンクドット主催者は、当日会場に反対派が現れることを考え、初めて約20人もの警備員を雇ったそうです。結局会場での直接衝突はなく、無事開催できたわけですけどね。
'It is very heartening to see the dot growing year on year,’ said spokesperson Paerin Choa referring to the attendance this year being more than ten times the number of the inaugural 2009 event and an increase from an estimated 21,000 people last year.
'We believe that this sends a strong message of love and acceptance, affirming that Singapore is a home for one and all, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity.
#pinkdotsg reports attendance of 26,000. pic.twitter.com/mSuxZQQZG8
— POPSPOKEN (@popspoken) 2014, 6月 28
We've been gif-ed! Thank you @MothershipSG for the coverage of #PinkDotSG 2014! http://t.co/mthjoZBk7C pic.twitter.com/EUKO9LQvMQ
— PinkDotSG (@PinkDotSG) 2014, 6月 30
PinkDot just now with the best and ♥ hehehe #pinkdotsg #pinkdot2014 pic.twitter.com/UsWw8Knqxy
— ♛Teddy♛ (@_hxrith) 2014, 6月 28
This his how secular gov. and morality work!
#PinkDotSG in past 5 years!
May one day, secularism come back to Iran! pic.twitter.com/f9jUItNr0C
— Hossein Roshandel (@HsnRshndl) 2014, 6月 26