「ビリー・ポーター、新『シンデレラ』映画で妖精の教母様役か - 石壁に百合の花咲く」の続報。この役を引き受けたビリー・ポーターが、CBSニュースのインタビューで、自分の演じる妖精の教母はジェンダーレスだと語っています。
This Cinderella is a classic fairytale for a new generation. To be able to play this genderless, fabulous fairy godmother - what a gift. Thank you @CBSNews for sitting down with me and catching up about the role❤️ https://t.co/PgVwnhdthI pic.twitter.com/DZNBmRS3CK
— Billy Porter (@theebillyporter) March 3, 2020
Magic has no gender. We are presenting this character as genderless. At least that's how I'm playing it. And it's really powerful.
This is a classic fairytale for new generation, and I think the new generation is really ready. You know, the kids are ready. It's the grownups that are slowing stuff down.
"Magic has no gender"っていい言葉だなあ! 積極的に使っていきたいし、この映画の完成も楽しみ。